Meet Molly: Associate Spotlight Vol. XVIII
Welcome to Associate Spotlights, a blog series from Compass Group’s Talent Management team, showcasing various associates across our family of companies.
Molly Van Wyk
Molly is an Office Coffee & Pantry Services Manager with Canteen. She started her Compass Group career in 2015. A quick three years later, Molly is wondering, “Who has a better job?” In her own words, “The people I have met, the places I have traveled to, and the things I have learned are all so wonderful. I have gained so much knowledge of the industry as a whole, personally developed myself through trainings, and challenged myself by bringing new ideas to the table.”
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I love that every day looks very different. I get the opportunity to travel, both locally and around different parts of the country. I go visit customers, plan events, and some days work in the office. Variety is the best!
Describe your proudest moment at Compass Group so far.
I was recognized as the National High Flyer for Canteen this year. It was such an honor to be recognized in that way with amazing associates!
What has been your favorite training or leadership development course that you’ve completed at Compass Group?
Manager in Training (MIT). This program was a great opportunity to meet so many other Compass Group associates from all over the county and network with them.
Do you have a favorite quote or personal mantra?
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” This has been my favorite quote since I was a kid. It applied to me as an athlete and still does as a young professional. You don’t know what you can do until you try!
What would people be surprised to know about you?
I taught 7th grade science for 2 years!