Campus Edition of #CGCareersChat

October 04, 2016
This was our Campus Edition of #CGCareersChat! Our Campus Programs team joined us to discuss job search tips for college seniors and graduates. We discussed what you should look for in your first role out of college and how to find time to balance your job search with your school work. Check out the recap below for lots of great tips!

Q1- How do you find time to ensure a successful #jobsearch while still in school? #CGCareersChat

¬∑ Engage with your career center and attend their events – @lorioncampus

· Show up to information sessions and career fairs! Also, connect with your career center. -@AlecMorrisCG

· Start early! Set aside time each week to dedicate to your search. The Career Center is a great resource. -@TionLovesTalent

Q2- How do you show that you have previous experience when you really don’t have any related work experience? #CGCareersChat

· Focus on your skills. Include coursework, projects & other activities to provide proof of skills. -@jakira_irons

· The skills you learn from being involved on campus are transferable to the world of work. -@TionLovesTalent

Q3- How can social media play a part in your job search? #CGCareersChat

· Update your #LinkedIn profile. -@lorioncampus

· Follow companies that you are interested in- learn about the company culture -@TionLovesTalent

Q4- What should you look for in your first position out of college? #CGCareersChat

· A company that focuses on development & also has growth opportunities- @AlecMorrisCG

· Look for cool training programs like #CompassMITLife -@lorioncampus

· Make sure the position will help you build transferable skills -@TionLovesTalent

Q5- What type of positions will Compass Group have open to students graduating this year? #CGCareersChat

· No matter your interest, we have a position for you! -@AlecMorrisCG

· The Campus Programs team will be hiring for several Manager In Training opportunities all across the USA -@TionLovesTalent

· Business Culinary Engineering Hospitality & more -@jakira_irons

Q6- How do I learn more about Compass Group and the opportunities that are available? #CGCareersChat

· Follow me @TionLovesTalent. Look for Compass Group at your school Career fair! @TionLovesTalent

· Follow me and my team! @lorioncampus @TionLovesTalent @NicoleWagner915 @Vets2Campus @AlecMorrisCG
Thank you to everyone who participated! Catch our Twitter Chat, #CGCareersChat the last Wednesday of each month for more valuable industry insights and networking.