Celebrating Pride Month 2023: Missael Gonzalez & Michelle Currier
As Compass Group continues its celebration of Pride Month, meet two remarkable associates who share ideas on allyship: Missael Gonzalez, Marketing Content Coordinator for Bon Appétit Management Company at LinkedIn, and Michelle Currier, Senior Director of Human Resources for Compass Community Living.
“A lot factors, opinions, feelings, and emotions come to me when I think of ways associates can be an ally to LGBTQ+ colleagues in the Compass community,” says Missael. “What I believe is true is that respect is the answer to creating a comfortable, affirming and inclusive workplace. Some people will not agree with how we identify, act, or appear, but everyone deserves to be respected no matter what. We’re all unique, have our own difficulties, and although we are from different walks of life, we’re all human.”
Missael is also a photographer in the music industry and gets to capture amazing moments. “My photos are a representation of what I do outside of my workplace. My personal experience of allyship with anyone would be that they do not look at me as someone they cannot identify with because of my sexuality, but because of my human tenacity. SEE me for who I am. Working with individuals who support the LGBTQ+ community is enough for me to believe allyship is possible anywhere!”
Michelle would agree! She continues to be amazed by stories shared that demonstrate strength in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. “I have so much appreciation for Compass Group and Compass Community Living because our leaders, associates and team members are so welcoming and inclusive. Through our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council, we have opened possibilities for others to feel comfortable and have provided an avenue and resources for people to learn how they can support those in the community. I have always felt comfortable in my own skin and being my true authentic self in and out of work because of the allyships and inclusive environment Compass Group and Compass Community Living have provided.”
Michelle adds: “Encouraging someone to be entirely themselves is the loudest way to love them. When we can be our true authentic selves, we bring our whole selves to work and it’s enriching for everyone!”
A shout out to Michelle and Missael for celebrating Pride Month with Compass and sharing encouragement to be our authentic selves.